Is your hospital at risk of airborne pathogens?

Guided Airflow System for infection control


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Guided Airflow Ventilation System

The patented Guided Airflow Ventilation System operates based on the principle in which the air supply is directed diagonally towards the operating table on the clean side of the room and exhausted out on the contaminated side of the room. It incorporates slit ventilation, which has a booster-fed air jet. This newly developed slit ventilation system with the incorporation of booster-fed air jet is located at the intersecting area between the vertical wall and the horizontal ceiling on the clean side of the room. The ventilation system also includes the provision of two large perforated supply air surfaces through which large quantities of sterile/fresh air are fed into the diagonal air jet in a controlled and stable manner. This has resulted in co-ejection effects. With this design and the co-ejection effect, the slit ventilation creates a very stable and sterile air movement over the operating table and surgical instrument table.

The guided supply air system with slit injection was developed in Sweden in the late eighties and has undergone full-scale laboratory test at the Royal Institute Of Technology (KTH) in Sweden. Full-scale clinical trials have also been carried out at Ryhov Hospital, Jököping, Sweden, with staff and equipment, as well as in various types of operations and instrument table-laying arrangement. The experimental results have been published in international journals and widely recognized.
  • This novel design maintains a large sterile zone at a much lower operating cost as compared to other conventional ventilation systems and minimizes infection rate in the OR.

  • Provides a 3 directional, stable and sterile airflow (vertical, horizontal and diagonal) to create a clearly defined sterile zone for the surgery and instrument tray areas.

  • Accommodates between 13 – 25 air changes per hour (20 air changes is commonly used).

  • Double-wall exhaust system located at low level helps to reduce turbulences by guiding contaminated air out of OR while enhancing the cooling effect within OR in hot climate.

  • Allows flexibility of optimal patient positioning for different operating postures, which optimizes equipment placement and staff ergonomics.

  • Requires a lower airflow rate, 1800 m3/h, to achieve stable and sterile environment in comparison with other conventional laminar airflow (LAF) systems requiring 9000 m3/h.

  • Maintains a constant bacteria count of 0.5 cfu/m3, which is effective in infection control, (measured at a distance of 300 mm from wound site, independent of personnel activities) over large working area in the OR.

  • 60% - 70% reduction in energy consumption in comparison with LAF ventilation system.

  • Incorporates a full range of Johnson Medical’s ceiling mounted medical support system and other surgical equipment.
Features an energy-saving lighting system with rotary dimmer switch to provide adequate brightness for different types of surgery.