In 1998, Tan Tock Seng
Hospital purchased a total of 72 units of Johnson
Medical pendants for their Neurology, Medical and
Coronary ICU. Five years later in 2003, Johnson Medical
was awarded the job to install more Equipment and Fluid
Management Pendants (EMP) in their SARS Isolation Ward.
Recently, additional pendants were ordered for their
Accident & Emergency unit.
People say second helpings are a
positive sign of good food. So what does third helpings
from a distinguished medical center of excellence say
about Johnson Medical pendants?
TTSH faced space constrain issue when
they were constructing the ICUs. Johnson Medical
pendants provided the perfect solution with slim
pendants which are able to take on a high loading weight
and an impressive reach to patients with the 320°
rotation double arms.
Confidence in the performance of
Johnson Medical pendants in their ICUs is exhibited by
the decision to use the same brand for the SARS hospital
at a time where space, convenience and reliability made
a difference between life and death of patients.
Now, Johnson Medical pendants will
also be used in TTSH’s A&E units. Johnson Medical is
proud to be part of the renowned hospitals’ devoted
endeavor to save lives.